TABOR Refund 2025: Eligibility, Payout Amount, and Status!

Your TABOR refund amount which is mostly based on your AGI will be between $177 to $1,130 as per the Colorado Department of Revenue. The receiving time of your refund can’t be predicted because it greatly depends on your filing time(Early or Late) and type(Electronic or Paper). 

The volume of returns, incorrect or missing information, verification of filed returns, etc. can influence the timing of refunds. To get your refund faster, it’s advised to submit your return electronically during earlier tax filing season days using a direct deposit payment method. The status check online tool will provide details about the expected arrival of the refund. 

TABOR Refund 2025

The TABOR refund amount will be lower in 2025 than in the previous year. Taxpayers must file their income tax returns to get this refund amount before the deadline, which might be 15 April 2025. This refund provides financial support to eligible taxpayers and contributes to economic growth. Let’s check the expected TABOR refund amounts based on your AGI below.  

Who is eligible to receive TABOR Refund 2025?

The eligibility criteria for TABOR Refund 2025 are based on many factors such as residency, filing status, and others. 

  • Individuals have to reside in Colorado for the full tax year 2024,  which runs from 1 January to 31 December 2024. 
  • You must file an income tax return to get a TABOR tax refund for 2025 even if you do not owe any state income tax. Your return must be submitted by the deadline which is expected to be 15 April 2025. 
  • The amount of the TABOR refund is mostly based on your income so you will receive based on your income.

How much will be my TABOR Refund 2025?

The TABOR refund 2025 is based on many factors such as income and filing status. The amount can be greatly influenced by the Colorado income brackets which have been structured to maintain fair distribution to eligible taxpayers. The basic requirement to get this refund is to file your return carefully. 

The amounts of TABOR refund 2025 will be lower than in 2024 and the Colorado Department of Revenue highlighting these amounts for 2025 as per your AGI. 

Filing Status  Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) Range  Refund Amount 
Single Filers  Up to $53,000 $177
$53,001 to $105,000 $240
$105,001 to $166,000 $277
$166,001 to $233,000 $323
$233,001 to $302,000 $350
$302,001 and up $565
Joint Filers Up to $53,000 $354
$53,001 to $105,000 $480
$105,001 to $166,000 $554
$166,001 to $233,000 $646
$233,001 to $302,000 $700
$302,001 and up $1,130

When will I receive my TABOR Refund 2025?

The timing of TABOR Refund 2025 is based on when you file Colorado state income tax for tax year 2024. The processing of your tax returns starts after receiving them by officials and after that, the refund will be processed and issued along with your state income tax refund.

The electronic filing type can fasten your tax refund and if you opt for it then you can receive your TABOR refund 2024 within 21 days. On the other hand, the paper check can take longer due to delivery time. 

The volume of returns and other factors can influence the timing of refund but if you file soon, it’s expected that you will get your refund earlier than late filers. 

If your return contains any errors or incorrect or missing information, correct it soon if required by officials, as it can also delay your refund amount. 

How to track the status of TABOR Refund 2025?

There are several methods for checking the status of a TABOR tax refund. One most convenient methods is to use an online tool available on the official website. Below, you can check the step-by-step process for tracking the status of your refund. 

  • Individuals have to go to the official website of the Colorado Department of Revenue.
  • Here, you have to find the option “Where’s My Refund?” and check the required details. 
  • Taxpayers have to put their required details here such as SSN or ITIN and refund the exact amount. 
  • After that, click the “Submit” button to check whether your refund has been processed, approved, or sent. 
  • If you prefer to check the status by phone or want to ask questions then you can call the Colorado Department of Revenue at (303)238-7378.