SIS Payment Dates: Saskatchewan Income Support Payout Amount!

The Saskatchewan Income Support program offers financial support to eligible citizens to cover their basic needs while they upskill themselves and enhance their abilities. The provincial government provides this monthly support.

SIS Payment Dates

Saskatchewan offers various benefits under the Saskatchewan Support Income program to ensure people have enough support while they have little income, such as part-time income, and they try to build skills to unlock better opportunities in the future.

The authority processes the SIS payments for the payment month prior, so people expect the December payment will receive the payment in November 2024. According to the Ministry of Social Services, the payment schedule 2024, recipients who have opted for mailed cheques can expect their mail cheques to be mailed on 26 November 2024, so they can expect the payment anytime.

People who have opted for Direct deposit can expect their payment to be deposited in their bank account directly on 28 November 2024, today. The next SIS payment you will receive is in December for January 2025. 

What makes you eligible for the SIS?

In Saskatchewan province, residents who need financial aid can check the below eligibility criteria for the SIS program:

  • You are a Canadian Citizen, have refugee status, permanently residing in Canada, or entered the Country under Ukraine Canada authorized emergency travel,
  • You have attained the minimum age of 18 years old to receive SIS,
  • You are a Canadian citizen residing in Saskatchewan province. 
  • Your income is low or you have no income source at all,
  • You have gone for every aspect to support yourself and meet your basic needs, such as child support employment, etc.

Benefits under the SIS program 

Under the Saskatchewan Income Support, the province residents can get the benefits based on their needs, circumstances, and other conditions, such as:

  • You have dependent children living with you, 
  • You have a spouse or legal partner
  • You live in a remote area of a northern community
  • You reside in a rental property or you pay the mortgage for the place where you live. 

Based on your circumstances and needs, Saskatchewan residents can unlock the following benefits under the SIS program:

  • Employment Incentives at a certain amount of income
  • Basic Benefits that cover your basic needs and shelter,
  • Health Safety benefits that cover, emergency assistance, prescribed diet benefits, stabilization, and other benefits,
  • Benefits that unlock when your circumstances change, such as child care, travel, employment and training benefits, etc. 

How much will you receive through SIS benefits?

The amount you received under the SIS benefits depends on the benefit you got approval for when you applied for the SIS payments. So, based on each benefit payout amount, you can calculate how much you can receive in the upcoming payment:

  • Employment Incentives: 
  • For singles who earn a certain amount can receive $375,
  • Couples with no dependent children responsibility can receive $475,
  • Households with dependent children can earn $500 a month, the maximum family income with one child is $3533.34, two $3866.67, and three or more children $4200.
  • Basic Benefit:
  • The people living outside the Northern community will receive $355, and people living within the Northern administration will receive $425 for adult basic benefits and $65 per child for children’s basic benefits.
  • Shelter Benefit:

Saskatchewan Residence Individuals Couples without dependent children   Household with 1-2 Children Household with 3 or 3+ children
Regina/ Saskatoon $650 $830 $1065 $1245
Rest of the Province $590 $720 $820 $925

  • Health and Safety: 
  • People can receive Stabilization benefits of up to $150 to maintain the household,
  • People can receive $50 to $150 to maintain the prescribed diet for their health improvement,
  • People may receive health and safety benefits up to $500 to set up a new resident or to replace household items,
  • People can get travel benefits for medical purposes, job interviews, meals, shelter, etc.
  • People living where natural gas is not available for heating may receive alternative heating benefits of up to $190 a month. 
  •  Change in Circumstances:
  • People who need help learning new skills or joining a training program for better career opportunities can receive benefits under employment and training benefits up to $140.
  • Ineligible people to receive Child benefits can receive $400 under children’s benefits,
  • People who are employed, in school/ training, and have a child in licensed child care, can receive child care benefits.
  •  People relocating to another place can receive relocation benefits up to $200 to $300, depending on household size and moving costs, for employment purposes or when they find an affordable place to live.
  • Apart from these, you can receive travel benefits, funeral benefits, and a security deposit under the SIS program. 

How to apply for Saskatchewan Income Support? 

If you haven’t applied for the Saskatchewan Income Support but find yourself eligible and wish to receive the support, you can through Saskatchewan Accounts across government services. You will need the following documents to complete your SIS applications:

  • Saskatchewan Health Services Number
  • Social Insurance Number
  • Your Spouse/ children/ or legal partner SIN or HSN,
  • Your property, vehicles, or any other assets you own information, 
  • Your remaining money in the bank, investments, bonds, GICs, stocks, and any other resource detailed information,
  • Your living situation documents, house papers, tenant agreement, or others
  • Your and your spouse’s bank statements. 

Once you submit the SIS applications, you will receive a confirmation email or text on the registered email address or mobile number with the status of the application. 

You must stay on alert after you apply for the SIS benefits as you may need to provide a direct deposit authorization form, with other information to the authority to receive your payment approval and start receiving your payment.