Singapore GST Voucher 2025: Check Pay Date and Payout Amount!

The Singapore government has confirmed the raise in the annual value threshold for various Social support schemes that will be effective from January 2025. One such support is the Singapore GST Voucher scheme that supports low to middle-income earners. 

With the change in the annual value threshold, many Singaporeans will become eligible for the GST voucher. Singaporeans who receive the GST Voucher benefits or wish to receive the benefits can learn everything about the scheme here.   

Singapore GST Voucher 2025

The GST (Goods and Services Tax) voucher scheme was initiated to support people dealing with the rising cost of living and manage their living expenses. The government announced the permanent GST voucher scheme in 2022 to ensure they offset the GST expenses of eligible households. 

Recently, the Singapore government has announced changes in the annual value threshold for Singaporeans that will make more people eligible to receive the GST voucher benefits in 2025. The adjustment will cover millions of Singaporeans and provide government assistance through GST Vouchers. 

The GST voucher eligibility depends on the annual value of thresholds and other conditions. Under the current system, the authority has two AV tiers, where the first AV tier will cover all HDB flats and the second AV tier will have more than 3 or four residential properties. Based on the change, the Singaporeans can check the change in AV threshold:


AV tier Revised AV thresholds
First AV tier Up till $20,000
Second AV tier Above $21,000 to $31,000

Singapore GST Voucher 2025 Components 

 The initiative offers multiple components for Singaporeans to ensure it meets their every need and that people have enough support. The four components of the GST voucher scheme are as follows:

  • GSTV Cash: The GSTV Cash immediate support to eligible Singaporeans, so that they can cover their basic expenses, the cash payment is made once a year.  
  • GSTV U-Save:  The component allows HDB households to have the quarterly benefits to get back their utility bill payments and save money. 
  • GSTV MediSave: The Medisave support under the GST voucher initiative offers support to elderly citizens with a bonus to their CPF account to help them with their healthcare needs. 
  • GSTV Service Conservancy charges Rebate (S&CC): The eligible HDB flat residents will receive the rebate for maintenance and upgrading the HDB properties which is payable to tenants and owners.  

What makes you eligible for the Singapore GST voucher 2025? 

Singaporeans who meet the following eligible conditions of the GST voucher based on the components will receive the respective component benefit under the scheme:

  • GSTV Cash:
  • You must hold Singaporean citizenship and live in Singapore in 2025. 
  • You should be an adult of age 21 or above in the reference year, 
  • As it is for low or moderate-income families, the income you earned in 2024 should not go above $34,000. 
  • The annual value for the one property you own should not exceed the value mentioned above. 
  • GSTV U-save:
  • You must have the HDB flat either you are living there or you are a tenant, 
  • You have partially rented the HDB flat and at least one person should be Singaporean. 
  • GSTV Medisave:
  • You must hold Singaporean citizenship and live in Singapore in 2025. 
  • You should be an elderly of age 65 or above in the reference year, 
  • The annual value of your home should not exceed $25,000 on 31 Dec 2024 and you must only have one property under your name. 
  • GSTV S&CC Rebate:
  • The Singaporean  households living in HDB flats can claim the S&CC rebate, 
  • There must be at least one tenant or owner who should be Singaporean,
  • The flat owner or occupiers do not have any posses or have interest in private property 

Singapore GST Voucher 2025 Payout Amount 

The Singaporeans can expect the following amount of financial assistance under the GST Voucher scheme next based on the various components conditions:

  • GSTV Cash: 
Income earned in 2024 to $34,000 Annual Value of Property but not more than one
Up to $21,000 $21,001 to $31,000
GSTV Cash 2025 $850 $450
  • GSTV U-save: The payment is made quarterly, the authority has only revealed about January payment: 


U-Save 2025 1-and 2- room flat 3-room flat 4-room flat 5-room flat Multi-generation/ Executive 
Jan 2025 $95 $85 $75 $65 $55
  • GSTV MediSave:
Age in 2025 Property AV on 31 Dec 2024
Up to $21,000 $21,001 to $25,000
65 – 74 $250 $150
75 – 84 $350 $250
85 or above $450 $350
  • GSTV S&CC Rebate: 
  • The eligible Singaporean households will receive the S&CC rebate for 2 to four months every quarter which offsets the maintenance and upgrade cost for 0.5 months. 
  • Based on the current information, the eligible Singaporean will get an additional 0.5 months of rebate in January 2025 for all types of HDB flats. 

Singapore GST Voucher 2025 Pay Date 

According to the Singapore government, the authority will provide the rebate, cash, or benefit payment at a certain time of the year. As per the rules, the Singaporeans eligible for the GST voucher scheme receive the GSTV cash and Medisave payment in August of each year. 

The GSTV U-save and S&CC rebate will be processed quarterly, so the recipients can expect the payment during January, April, July, and October 2025 in the coming year. Singaporeans can check the exact date of their eligible GSTV benefit on their Singpass account. 

Singaporeans automatically receive the GST Voucher benefits from the government based on their tax information and government data, so if you have any chance to report or inquire about the benefit you must contact the authority.