IRS SS-4 Confirmation Letter: Who can get it and how to apply?

irs ss-4 Confirmation Letter

An EIN is a 9-digit number that is assigned to employers, trusts, sole proprietors, corporations, partnerships, estates, certain individuals, and other entities for tax filing and reporting purposes. Interested individuals need to submit a Form SS-4 with valid details to the IRS to get a confirmation letter including EIN.  IRS SS-4 Confirmation Letter An SS-4 … Read more

£2950 WASPI Payment – When to expect the payout?

£2950 Waspi Payment

The WASPI (Women Against State Pension Inequality) payments will provide financial relief to all women who were born between April 6, 1950, and April 5, 1960, and who were affected by the unexpected changes in the state pension age. The WASPI payment will be between £1,000 to £2,950. £2950 WASPI Payment The £2,950 WASPI payment … Read more

EV Tax Credits – Will it be revoked? Check the Latest Updates!

EV Tax Credits

After Trump won the US Presidential election there’s been a lot of speculation on tax reforms, economic changes, and many others. Among the speculations, another piece of news broke out that the Trump Administration is expected to end the Electric Vehicle tax credits. The Biden administration started the EV credit last year to encourage people to embrace the EV transition. 

Eviction Rental Assistance – Eligibility for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program!

Eviction Rental Assistance (1)

The federal government offers eviction rental assistance to safeguard citizens with housing emergencies from facing potential eviction. US citizens can get assistance through the Emergency Rental Assistance Program and ensure financial assistance. People living in the US can check out the rental assistance and the emergency rental assistance program details here.  Eviction Rental Assistance The … Read more