NJ Anchor Rebate Status, Payout Amount, Date and Other Details @nj.gov

The New Jersey government offers the ANCHOR program (Affordable New Jersey Communities for Homeowners and Renters) that provides property tax relief for eligible residents.

Most of the NJ residents who qualified for the ANCHOR program may have received confirmation letters from the officials and their application must be made automatically. Some NJ residents have to apply for the ANCHOR rebate, the last date 06 Dec 2024 is passed, and the residents can check their application status.

NJ Anchor Rebate Status

In August 2024, New Jersey officials started the ANCHOR program for NJ residents based on the 2021 residency, income, and age. Under the program, residents get property tax relief who have their own property or they have rented property in New Jersey as their primary home.

As we mentioned, the last date to apply for the ANCHOR benefit or update their additional information was 06 Dec 2024. The NJ residents who received the ANCHOR rebate last year may not have to do anything as their application will be made automatically, however, some have to apply.

The NJ residents who have applied recently just before the deadline can check their ANCHOR rebate benefit status on the official website easily and know their payment updates. Most of the NJ residents who have applied early or had their applications automatically processed may have already received their payments.

Steps to Check the NJ Anchor Rebate Status

The NJ residents who wish to track their NJ ANCHOR rebate Status can follow the below steps and see where their application stands:

  • First, you should visit the official NJ Treasury ANCHOR website at https://www.nj.gov/treasury/taxation/anchor/
  • Next, you should scroll down and click the “Check Benefit Status.”
  • Once you click the Check benefit status, you will be directed to the ANCHOR portal where you should select the benefit year, that is, 2021, next enter your Social Security number or Individual Taxpayers Identification number, and ZIP code,
  • Once you enter the above information in the ANCHOR portal, the system will display your ANCHOR rebate benefit status.

According to reports, the payments of the ANCHOR rebate began in November 2024, hence, most of the applicants will be able to see their benefit payment date. However, if you have applied recently in early December 2024, you can expect the payment date later.

NJ Anchor Rebate Amount

The NJ ANCHOR rebate may differ based on the applicant’s gross income, age, or other factors. As we have mentioned earlier, the payments will be made based on the 2021 age, income, and residency. The NJ residents should know the rebate amount would never go above the property taxes they have paid over the year.

So, the Rebate amount based on age and income is divided when you owe the property or you have a rented property for which you have paid the property taxes and it was your primary home in 2021. So, based on the categorized rebate amount under the ANCHOR program, you can check the rebate amount:

  • House owners: If the applicants are age 65 or above by the end of 2021, they will be eligible to receive the additional amount of $250.
2021 Gross Income Age 64 or younger  Age 65 or older 
$150, 000 or less $1,500 $1,750
$150,001 – $250,000 $1,000 $1,250
  • Renters: Just like house owners, NJ residents who are aged 65 or above will receive an additional rebate of $250 more than the other applicants. Hence, the ANCHOR rebate amount for renters will be:
Age  Benefit Amount 
64 or younger in 2021 $450
65 or older $700

Important Note: The applicants with age 65 or above do not pay the New Jersey tax return, they also receive the Property tax credit of up to $50, so if the applicants have not claimed the credit, they will receive the credit with the ANCHOR rebate in both the scenario, whether you are a house owner or renter.

When can you expect the NJ Anchor Rebate?

The NJ Treasury says the ANCHOR rebate will be processed within 90 days of the application if the information on the applications is correct. The NJ residents whose applications need more information may have to wait more for the payment as the officials will ask for more information.

Therefore, earlier we have mentioned the NJ residents who applied early or the residents whose applications were made automatically must have received their rebate payment by November 2024. Most of the residents have changes in their lives, such as relationship status, or others need to apply for the Special Circumstance application under the ANCHOR program.

The applicants who have applied late or updated their information can expect their payment based on their application dates. The recipients can calculate their payment time based on their application timing, such as the early December applicants can expect their rebate payment in Feb 2025.

Important Instructions for NJ Residents for ANCHOR Rebate 

The NJ Treasury has warned NJ residents to never share their personal and confidential financial information in any texts or emails they receive because the authority never sends any text or email asking for your information to send the ANCHOR rebate.

The authority claims the scammer may impersonate the NJ treasury or taxation to scam you into giving your information in the name of ANCHOR benefit, so be vigilant of such text messages or emails.

If you ever come across any such text messages or emails, you must immediately inform the Federal Trade Commission and always cross-check with authorities before sharing your information.

The NJ ANCHOR rebate benefit application deadline has passed, the NJ residents who have applied recently or waiting for their rebate payment can check the benefit status online and see their rebate pay date.