Blue Cross Blue Shield Settlement Payment Date, Claim Deadline, Other Details 

The Blue Cross Blue Shield antitrust litigation got preliminary approval from the federal court on 05 Dec 2024. Under the settlement agreement, the BCBS will pay around $2.8 billion settlement fund to resolve the lawsuit. 

The settlement administrator has called out the eligible class members to claim the settlement before the claim deadline, 29 July 2025. The class members wondering about the settlement, payout date, and other relevant details can find the information here. 

Blue Cross Blue Shield Settlement Payment Date

The class action lawsuit against Blue Cross Blue Shield was filed, saying the defendant had violated the antitrust laws as they divided the United States service areas illegally leading to reduced competition in the areas. The defendant has fixed the prices of the services they provided leading to difficulties for the customers. 

The defendant did not agree with the allegations, but they proposed to settle the lawsuit with a settlement fund of $2.8 billion. Under this settlement, the class members are the providers of the US, except for certain providers. Since the preliminary approval, the administrator has started the claim form process for the class members. 

The class members have to file the claim for the Blue Cross Blue Shield Settlement before 29 July 2025. The class members thinking about when they can expect the payout from the settlement should know after the court approves the settlement in the final hearing on 29 July 2025, they can expect the payment to be processed after 90 to 180 days. So, you can expect the Blue Cross Blue Shield Provider Settlement payout in September or October 2025. 

Who will receive the Blue Cross Blue Shield Provider Settlement? 

The Blue Cross Blue Shield provider Settlement offers compensation to the class members who meet the following eligible conditions:

  • All the providers who provide or provide healthcare services, supplies, or equipment to patients insured under them or members of the beneficiary or administered the plan of any Blue Plan during the Class period, 24 July 2008 to 04 October 2024. 
  • The entity or any person who provides healthcare services in the US would be eligible for the settlement but there are some exclusions.


  • The healthcare providers who are employed or owned by the defendant are excluded, 
  • The healthcare providers employed or owned by government entities or providers who offer exclusive equipment, services, or supplies to people covered under Medicare, Medicaid, or any other federal program are excluded;
  • The providers who offer drug prescription, durable medical equipment, suppliers or services, medical devices, or services to people insured under the standalone dental or vision insurance will be excluded;
  • The providers who have released their claims against the prior execution date before the settlement will be excluded from the settlement;
  • The class members who filed the exclusion form to exclude themselves from the settlement before  04 March 2025 will be excluded from the BCBS provider settlement. 

the Blue Cross Blue Shield Settlement Fund distribution? 

As we mentioned earlier, the BCBS provider settlement has a $2.8 billion settlement fund, where the administrator will cover the following costs first before compensating the class members:

  • Attorney’s Fees & cost 25% of settlement fund;
  • Service awards around $100 million;
  • Settlement administration cost and expenses.

After the administrator deducts the following expenses from the settlement fund, the remaining net settlement fund will be used to compensate the class members.  According to the settlement agreement, the net settlement fund will be further split into two categories:

  • Hospital/ Facility fund: 92% of the net settlement fund will be used to compensate the healthcare systems that have filed the claim on their healthcare facilities;
  • Professional net settlement fund: 8% of the net settlement fund will be distributed among the Medical groups and organizations who have filed the claim for Medical Professionals and are authorized claimants of the settlement. 

How much will the Blue Cross Blue Shield Settlement class member receive? 

According to the settlement agreement, the administration will offer the settlement payout to people who have filed the claimants and got approval. The Health Care Facility and systems will receive their payout based on the payment calculation method that the administration would use, such as:

  • Claimants who have the data from 2008 to 2014 will receive the payment based on the national hospital expenditure for 2015-2024. 
  • For all other claimants, the administrator would use the alternative method based on the payment formula.

The claimants who filed the compensation under the Professional settlement fund will receive the payout based on the points they receive for the allowed amounts settling in the BCBS plans during the class period. 

  • For instance, if the allowed amount is less than or equal to $250,000, the claimant will receive point 1. 
  • The points will be multiplied with the point multiplier depending on the harm coefficients based on the geographic area. 

The payout for each provider depends on the category of payment they fall into and their different scenarios. Hence, we cannot define the exact payout amount as it depends on multiple factors.  

How to claim the Blue Cross Blue Shield Settlement? 

The class member of BCBS provider settlement who wishes to submit the claim first needs not to identify which claim form to submit because there are two claim forms – (a) Professionals claims and (b) Facilities claims. 

The Professional claim is for Medical professionals, Medical groups, and organizations who meet the settlement class member conditions, whereas the Facility claim is for people who are filing the claim form in place of a healthcare facility, or Health Care System. You can claim the BCBS provider settlement either online or offline in the following ways:

  • Online: You can visit the BCBS provider settlement website at and submit your claim form based on the claim form you fit to claim. 
  • Offline: You can download the claim form online, fill in the relevant details, and mail it to the following postal address:
  • Settlement Notice Administrator
  • PO Box 26443
  • Richmond, VA 23261

The BCBS provider settlement claim form is out if you are a healthcare services provider and meet the class member conditions, you should claim the form before 29 July 2025 to receive the compensation timely.