$3,267 Singapore WIS Payout: Workfare Income Supplement Payment!

From 2025, a new category will be included in the Workfare Income Supplement scheme, where the workers can receive a $3267 payment annually. The low-income earner receives support from the government through the WIS program, as they receive cash payout as well as contributions to their future savings.  

With the new category, the government has increased the payout for other categories as well. The recipient of the WIS benefit wondering about the payment change from 2025 can check every detail here. 

$3,267 Singapore WIS Payout

The Singapore government boosts the savings of low-income workers through the WIS scheme and also supports them through the extra cash payout. The WIS payout you are entitled to is divided into the cash payout and CPF contributions. 

The CPF contributions allow the workers to grow their retirement money for healthcare, housing, and other expenses. With the WIS, the government tops up this contribution and assists the workers to save more for their secure retirement. 

The government initiated this scheme in 2007 and since then the scheme has been providing benefits to low-income earners. This year, the government has expanded its reach and introduced a new category in the scheme. 

Under the WIS benefits, the government offered benefits to the workers in categories, such as employed and self-employed, now from 2025, we have a new category Platform workers. The government claims that workers in this group are eligible for an annual salary of $3267.

Singapore WIS Payout 2025 Eligibility Criteria 

Singaporeans who meet the following conditions can claim and receive the WIS Payout for 2025:

  • You must hold Singaporean citizenship and live in Singapore and you must have attained the age of 30 years old and above on 31 December of the work year (2025).
  • You must be an employed or self-employed, pr platform worker (new category);
  • Your gross income of a month should be between $500 to $3000 in 2024. If married, your spouse’s income will also be considered. If you have a spouse, their assessable income should not exceed $70,000. Previously, the gross monthly revenue was between $500 and $2500 for Work years 2023 and 2024;
  • You do not own more than one property and if you have a spouse, then he or she should not have more than one property as well.
  • You must live in a property worth $21,000 annual value, the value is raised from $13,000 this year. 

What’s the Singapore WIS payout structure?

The government has disbursed S$10.5 billion to more than 1,000,000 eligible Singaporeans last year. As we have mentioned earlier, the WIS payout is made based on which category you fall into and what your age is, such as:

  • Employed Person: 
  • The Employed Workers’ Annual Payment under the WIS program is hiked from $4200 to $4900 in 2025. Employed Singaporeans should expect the following pay based on their age:
Employee Age  WIS Payout from 2025 
30-34 $2450
35-44 $3500
45-59 $4200
60 or above  $4900
People with disabilities  $4900
  • People with disabilities will receive the same amount of payment that the elderly recipients receive to assist them more. 
  • According to the Employed category rule, from payout per year, the recipients will receive 40% as cash payout and the rest 60% directly into their cPF account. 
  • Platform Workers:
  • The newest category of platform workers would receive the WIS payout from 2025 to 2028. The maximum payment for the platform workers is $3267, the recipients can check the payment for each age group below:
Employee Age  WIS Payout from 2025 
30-34 $1633
35-44 $2333
45-59 $2800
60 or above  $3267
People with disabilities  $3267
  • Self-Employed Persons:
  • The self-employed payments will receive an annual payment of up to $3267 in 2025 from the 2024 payment of $2800. The authority will soon update the payout for self-employed people based on their age on the official website. However, we think it will be the same for platform workers as previously the platform workers used to receive the payout under the self-employed category.  
  • Self-employed people should know the recipients will receive 10% of the annual payout in the form of cash and the rest will be contributed to the MediSave account.    

When will you receive the WIS payout? 

According to the WIS scheme, Singaporean-eligible workers receive the WIS payout every month. The Singapore authority allocates the cash payout either through a PayNow NRIC-linked bank account or GovCash. And if the recipient has not updated their bank account details with the government they must register the bank account immediately through e-services. 

Now, the question arises about when you will receive the payments, the workers should know the Singapore authority will send the monthly payment from March of the year, hence, you will start receiving your 2025 payment from 31 March 2025 only. 

The Singaporeans wondering about the WIS payout payment date based on the payment month should understand the following points to estimate when they will receive the payment:

  • The January 2025 WIS payout will processed at the end of March 2025 for PayNow-NRIC linked bank account/ bank crediting or the first week of April 2024 through GovCash
  • Likewise, the recipients can expect each month’s payment at the end of the second month that comes after the payment through PayNow-NRIC linked bank account/ bank crediting or the first week of the third month after the payment month through GovCash

Important Note: The Self-employed people will receive the WIS payout once a year for the work they have done in the previous year. The authority disburses the payment at the start of the next work year, so for the work you have done in 2024, the WIS payout you will receive in April 2025. 

How to apply for the WIS 2025 Payout?

The employees and platform workers do not need to apply for the WIS payout as their eligibility will be determined based on their CPF account and its information, such as income and work done. 

The self-employed persons will need to declare their income to the IRAS first and ensure they make the needed MediSave contribution in the work year. You can check your eligibility and MediSave contribution for the year through the MediSave account and calculate your payout through the WIS calculator. 

The Singapore government has separated the platform workers from self-employed categories this year offering them monthly WIS payout from this year. So, be ready to save more from this year for your retirement and have more cash payout.